~ By Jonathan Woods
ARIES (MARCH 21–APRIL 19) You’re kicking off May with personal finances on your mind, Aries. The full moon on the 7th triggers a desire to make sure you feel financially secure, and you’ll be working hard to do just that. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 14th in your natural house of work and career, making it a great time to speak up about your ideas. The new moon on the 22nd makes you crave learning new things. Don’t pass up an offer to explore new talents.
TAURUS (APRIL 20–MAY 20) It’s time to evaluate your money, Taurus, and it’s all because Venus is moving into retrograde in your house of money and self-worth. How much money do you really need to be happy and financially secure? This is a question that has been on your mind lately and for good reason. Your personal life has been a bit stagnant as of late, but don’t fret. All of that will change around the 15th. Hang in there, Taurus.
GEMINI (MAY 21–JUNE 20) There's been a lot happening lately, and you’re ready to relax a bit. Even if you can’t go anywhere, take some time for yourself around the 6th. It’ll be amazing for your mental health. The full moon on the 7th pushes you to focus on what you can (and can’t) control. You’ll be motivated to get a lot of stuff on your to-do list out of the way at once, so you can move on to more fun stuff towards the end of the month when your life starts to get back to a normal routine.
CANCER (JUNE 21–JULY 22) Here’s what’s up, Cancer. There’s a lot of stuff in life you can’t control and that drives you BANANAS! The full moon on the 7th is going to make that crystal clear to you. Take a breather and go with the flow. You’ll be glad you did around the 10th. Towards the end of the month focus on the times when you’ve been your own worst enemy. Recognizing your weak spots—and actually doing something about them—will help you move forward stronger than ever in June..
LEO (JULY 23–AUGUST 22) You’re a superhero on the work front, Leo, but do you feel like you’re getting enough downtime to balance it out? Now is the time to rely on friends. Breathe and allow those that want to help carry your load do just that. You can’t do it all, Leo. Expect the unexpected around the 22nd when someone reaches out for help. Think before diving into someone else’s project.
VIRGO (AUGUST 23–SEPTEMBER 22) It’s your month to shine, Virgo! The last few weeks have been trying for you but all of that is about to change! The 7th brings the full moon and a complete energy shift for you! Prepare to be the center of your friends attention. You’ll have all the answers they need. Just don’t forget to take a breather towards the 20th. Save a little for yourself, Virgo.
LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23–OCTOBER 22) It’s time to be kind to yourself, Libra. You’ve been there for your loved ones, your friends, co-workers, and the like. But now it’s time to focus on you! Use the positive energies from the full moon on the 7th to manifest your best self. Keep a close eye on your finances around the 16th. Keep track of your spending or else you may be in for a surprise the last week of the month.
SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23–NOVEMBER 21) You know those moments when things are just working for you? You’re in it this month, Scorpio, and it’s all thanks to the full moon on the 7th. This moon will make you feel really strong and confident and you’ll have a sense of taking control of your life. Use this new found confidence to your advantage, especially on the 13th when a romantic entanglement is almost guaranteed. While your home life has been on the monotonous side, expect things to get back to normal as the month winds down.
SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22–DECEMBER 21) You crave a balance right now, Sagittarius. Things have seemed a bit “off” for a bit but that’s all about to change. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it all starts to make sense around the 8th when the energy from the full moon pushes you into a peace and balance that you have wanted for some time. Lean on your family this month, especially around the 20th – and keep in mind that “family” doesn’t always mean someone you’re related to.
CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22–JANUARY 19) If there’s someone who is missing being social, it’s definitely you, Capricorn! You’ve been stuck energetically but now is the time to claim your place atop the social ladder and be the social butterfly that you are. Call friends and family and make plans for the end of the month, around the 24th. It’s a time to celebrate and you are more than ready to oblige!
AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20–FEBRUARY 18) You may have been feeling the need for a change on the work front. That’s alright. The full moon on the 7th is in your house of careers, meaning that it may be a good time to evaluate that change you’ve been contemplating. Your love life will sparkle around the 11th and 12th. Expect sparks to snap, crackle, and pop and send you and your significant other to the moon and back! Home life is where you’ll find your most stability. Bask in the attention of those you care about.
PISCES (FEBRUARY 19–MARCH 20) If there’s one word to describe you this month, Pisces, it’s wanderlust. You may feel like you need a change of scenery. Take the opportunity given to you around the 13th and indulge in some time for yourself. There’s only so much that you can give to others before you have nothing left for yourself. Keep this in mind as the month winds down. You may find yourself at the end of your energetic ropes unless you learn to use the word “no.”