311 Broadway, Paducah, KY
Monday - Saturday 10 ~ 6 pm, Sun. 11 - 3
Create a Side Hustle For Extra Income in 2022!
Make Money Doing Psychic Readings

From Susan K. Edwards, Licensed Spiritual Healer-Coach, Psychic - Medium
Would you like to create a reliable part-time income doing something you love that helps yourself and others? I don't need to be a psychic to know the answer to that question!
If you have or suspect you have some level of psychic gifts and wondered if you could turn that into a profitable side hustle... then you NEED this course. I'll take you through everything you need to do to safely, and confidently start your new business step-by-step.
If you would like to learn how to understand and manage your gifts in order to be able to help yourself and others AND make a reliable steady side income, then this is the right course for you. You'll go from a lack of confidence and asking, "Am I psychic? Or am I crazy?" to safely, and confidently providing intuitive readings and providing spiritual counseling for fun and profit.
Become a well-respected psychic!
Need more info?
Watch this free video to see if this course is for you!

Introductory Offer! $99!
Hurry! This $50 off offer is good the end of December with online code "INTRO"
This course features 34 lessons and over 2 1/2 hours of video instruction. Plus tons of great downloadable bonus content!
Course Objectives
Is This Course for You?
Susan K. Edwards - Qualifications and Bio. Why Am I Qualified To Teach You?
Survey - What are you hoping to get from this course?
Exploring the Subject
Exploring the Subject
Identifying the Different Psychic Skillsets
Complete Exercise #1 - What are My Psychic Gifts?
Exercise #1 - What Are My Psychic Gifts?
Exploring the Tools of the Trade
Learning the Basics
The Essentials of Grounding
Learning to Meditate
3 Minute Grounding Meditation
Building Your Confidence
Today, I Choose To Face My Fears
Pushing Past Your Fears
What Am I Afraid of Worksheet - If you can't download or print, on a sheet of paper, list your fears. Mark each one listed, "Real" or "Perceived" and list 1 strategy to overcome it.
Getting Everything Ready & What to Watch Out For
Energy Vampires
Is this client an energy vampire?
Evaluating Results of Quiz: Whether Your Client is an Energy Vampire
Cautions~ Angels, ETs, Elementals & Interdimensional Beings
Personal Protections & Healthy Boundaries
Where to Do Your Readings
Exercise ~ The Atmosphere in Your Sacred Space
Finding & Plugging into the Divine Energy Field
Exercise to bring your frequencies up in a hurry!
Protection Protocols
Advanced Personal Protections
The Prayer of Protection
Best Practices
The Ethics of Becoming A Spiritual Counselor
​Prepping For Your First Reading
How To Dress Your Table
Doing Your First Reading!
When You Must NOT Do A Reading
Wrap Up & Certification Options
Bonus Videos & Content
How to Clear Blockages
How To Connect to the Spiritual Realm ~ Meet Your Spirit Guides and Angels!
Grounding Exercise
Affirmations for Anxiety & Stress ~ From Susan K. Edwards, Licensed Spiritual Healer
The Different Psychic Skillsets Downloadable PDF Graphic