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What is Smudging?
Smudging is a ceremony or procedure to remove negative or stale energy or influences from a person, place or an object. It is also an effective method for energizing or blessing a person, place or object. It has been used for centuries by many different cultures to create sacred spaces.
Smudging: Clear Negative Energy From Your Home & Life
This is the best book for beginners on how to smudge. It gives you simple, easy to follow steps on how to get rid of negative energy. Includes how to bless your home, office and self, bring positive energy into your life and home, and begin spiritual healing. Simple, but provide powerful results. Can't burn sage or incense? No problem, alternative methods include frequencies, essential oils and crystals.
By Author Susan K. Edwards, Licensed Spiritual Healer, Reiki Master, Lightworker
New! Instant Download my new eBook
Spiritual Uses for Essential Oils FREE
A concise guide to some of the spiritual uses for essential oils. Breaks them down alphabetically, then sorts by what to use them for. An essential part of your spiritual journey.
By Susan K. Edwards, Reiki Master, Licensed Spiritual Healer
©Copyright, 2018 Susan K. Edwards
Free Resource ~ Instructions below.
What is Smudging?
Smudging is a ceremony or procedure to remove negative or stale energy or influences from a person, place or an object. It is also an effective method for energizing or blessing a person, place or object. It has been used for centuries by many different cultures to create sacred spaces.
How to Smudge
Energy doesn't need an open door or window to leave but it helps your left brain visualize it leaving. So open a window or crack the door and hold the intention that the stale energy leaves via that opening. If available, turn on a fan(s) to facilitate even better movement of stale energy.
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Light the Sage or Incense
Have your feather/fan, charcoal, ashtray or shell ready and say a prayer over the items and thank them for helping you clear your space. Light your bundle of sage, smudge or incense and allow it to burn for a moment, and then blow out the flame so it begins to smoke. The smoke is what you will be wafting through your space. Place the smoking bundle with the smoking tip down in the shell or ashtray to catch the ashes. Holding the shell in one hand, and feather in the other, pick a starting spot, usually front door, and begin at bottom right.
Remember you have a burning ember, so be mindful of dropping ashes.
As you move through your space, have the intention of filling it with white light, Love and joy. Any of the low vibrations like, anger, hate, and despair aren't compatible and can't exist in the higher vibration of Love. Your job is to bring the vibrations of your space up to something closer to Love.
Here is an example of a statement you may choose to use:
“This is a place of Light and Love. All who enter are transformed by the power of unconditional God Love!”
Using the feather to ceremoniously waft smoke into the corners of the room, go counter-clockwise around sides, top and bottom of every door and window, TV, mirror and computer monitors. These are all potential portals and need to be cleared.
Next, move to one corner of the wall, and systematically waft the smoke into the corners counter clockwise around the side, top, down other side and across floor back to your starting point. Use your intention to form a complete grid that goes up and down to each corner of the wall, ceiling and nooks and crannies.
Once that wall is finished, turn and repeat the grid pattern on each wall of the room. Be sure to go around furniture and large objects in the room. Open cabinets, closet doors and using your intention, fan the clearing smoke in and around the closets and cabinets. Don't forget to go around your toilet... it's literally where everyone's “crap” ends up!
After that room is finished, move to the next room, and don't forget to clear the hallways as you move through the house or office.
To clear crawl spaces and attics, open the door if possible, and using your intention, fan the smoke into the air to clear stale energy. It is helpful, but not necessary to actually enter the area in order for it to cleared.
If you or someone in your home is allergic to smoke, or it isn't appropriate or convenient to burn, you can use either clearing sprays or vibrations.
Once your space is clear, you can use the Black Salt to protect your sacred space and keep unwanted influences out. Have the intention as you hold the salt that it forms a protective barrier for you. Sprinkle along any entry points. Doors, window sills, or other areas you want to protect. Remember salt is not good for plants and beneficial insects, so when disposing of spent salt, do so properly. You can even put it in your next fire pit and ask the Fire elementals to clear, purify and return that energy back to source to be Loved back into perfection.
Use the Black Obsidian Crystals similarly, place at bottom of door jams, window sills, around your workstation, favorite chair four corners of room, building or property.
For more information, please consider purchasing my book listed above. It's available in paperback or Kindle.