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How Will Leo Affect You Over the Next 30 Days?

Writer's picture: Ally the AstrologerAlly the Astrologer

Leo season is upon us, and boy is this energy ready to fire up the rest of our summer. The fifth SIGN of the zodiac, also linked to the fifth HOUSE of your natal chart has many wonderful attributes. The House of the Sun's energy is ROYAL and encourages love, romance, intimacy, self-expression, and courage! Where is that inner Lion or Lioness hiding in your chart? Leo season can magnify your artistic impulses and desire for love, luxury, fun, and drama.

Call Susan or Ally to schedule your Chart Analysis TODAY!!!

Here's what every sign can expect. (Be sure to read your rising sign!

Aries (March 20-April 19)

The sun is in your fifth house of romance, play, and creativity. Express your emotions through your creative expression. Tap into the joy and fun of your inner child. What made you happy in the summer growing up? Dance and play, and hit pause on your workday so that you can really tap into yourself. If mom is frazzled and overworked the energy in the house is off and your littles will feel it. Use the few days we have left before school starts to make a few happy creative memories.

woman floating on innertube in water
Add some summer play before the end of summer!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus this royal energy is shining into your fourth house of home life. Family vacations and nights at the ballpark bring the family together for a few more last-minute summer memories. Back to school is just around the corner and as a Taurus, I know, we secretly long for those daily routines and schedules to come back into our lives! Stability is a thing for our bills and routine brings a little more order to our day. The hustle and bustle of summer are coming to a hot and humid end, so finishing up any last-minute summer activities should be on for front as the 4th house back to school nesting is complete.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Hi, my happy Geminis! You are curious, communicative, and ready with a quip and a conversation at the drop of a hat. Leo energy is shining into your third house also ruled by Mercury and all things information. It's also the astrological house associated with siblings, short-distance travel, and early education. This royal energy is asking you to trust what you have to say. Be a leader and lean into this energy of nobility and self-creation.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer Babies how was your birthday? Good news if you didn’t get everything you wanted, luck is on your side. The sun is shining brightly on your second house of income, placing your focus on finances, and your values. Have you heard of the organization guru, Marie Kondo? Do the items in your life bring you joy? What kind of value do you attach to the things in your immediate surroundings? Before the summer is over and we start the next chapter of 2022 take some time to ground, center, and connect to yourself and your thingamabobs. What items bring you joy and what items can be released back into the universe? Make room for more JOY in your life!

stylized lion with leo zodiac symbol in sky
Happy Birthday, Leo!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

HBD Leo! If there's one thing that you love more than soaking up the sun, it's being in the SPOTLIGHT, and that's what this time of year is all about. The first house of self, your body represents how you present yourself out there in the JUNGLE. A jolt of confidence can make it easier to achieve any project you have underway. This season is all about tuning in to you, aligning your body, with your mind, and spirit. You are fire, regal, a lion, a lioness. This vibration is pouring into your body this month, slowing down the mind, and igniting the fire of your soul.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, the confident sun is moving through your 12th house of spirituality and dreams. You may feel more tuned in as the sun shines on the last house of your chart. The 12th house is the least tangible and most removed house from the physical world. Solitude may do your soul well, as you allow the confidence and warmth of the Sun into your most tucked away and secret spaces. Do not let your Mercury-ruled mind scurry around distracting you from the royal treatment and focused self-love that you deserve.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Leo season is here and there is still plenty of sun and water to make quite the splash in the next few weeks. Because you're such a social butterfly and the regal sun is moving through your 11th house of networking and friendship, prepare to feel connected. Venus is the ruler of all things Libra and you of all the signs connect with fairness and justice. This makes it easy for you to join forces with friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Make the most of your summer days, and possibly fill up your time with humanitarian activities to lead the next generation.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Ah, my intense Scorpios… say hello to that little extra fire that the Sun energy shines into your 10th house of career. Confidence isn’t something entirely foreign to you, but a much-needed bonus after the watery emotional Cancer season that we just graduated from. Have you been needing a little boost of confidence at work or in your career? The next four weeks bring a little added attention to your reputation and bolster recognition for all your hard work.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

What happens when you add heat to a smoldering flame? FIRE!!! Sagittarius baby, you are on fire in the 9th house of your chart. Leo energy is not wasted on you, my big picture dreamer. The sun is moving through your ninth house of adventure and higher learning. The universe is urging you to go… go now! Don’t walk, don’t crawl, get up and get out there Sagittarius. Are you inspired, full of energetic expression just bursting at the seams, and ready to step up on the pulpit and preach or teach? Dig out and find opportunities to connect with a mentor, professor, or teacher whose lessons will expand your mind.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

A logical game plan is where you like to live because big daddy Saturn beams all that structure and rules following order into you daily. Rather than going swimming in deep, complex feelings, my goal-oriented Capricorn friends, you like to hang on to the edge of the pool of emotions. Fire this Leo season is moving through your eighth house of emotional bonds, intimacy, and joint resources, encouraging you to be more vulnerable and share what's in your heart with your partner or loved ones. It's time to give yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work, Capricorn — ideally alongside friends and family.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This extra Leo fire will be placing more emphasis on your significant relationships. Whether romantic, platonic, or professional the sun is moving through your seventh house of partnership, Aquarius. Are you working toward a project, or goal with your romantic partner or pulling together a business proposal. You will want to lean into one another's strengths while dealing with any challenges. Doing your best to be adaptable can help you smoothly sail through this sensitive moment.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Everyday to-dos and want-to-dos are easier to tackle, thanks to the sun moving through your sixth house of wellness and daily routine, Pisces. I can ensure that the urge to be productive will be STRONG! Accomplish all the “things” that need to be accomplished before you can really enjoy that book or bath. Finding inner balance is a lot easier with a finished task list. Fire and confidence in the 6th house of practicality and wellness sweeten the rewards for a fresh start to the school year.


Hi, I’m Ally the Astrologer. Come join me each month as we surf the cosmos and learn how

Ally the Astrologer!

the lights that shine in the sky affect the light we carry within. Empower yourself with the knowledge of how energy works. As Above So Below.

I'm also available for personal chart readings. Being able to read your energy chart and “Innerstand” your emotional body allows you to prepare or brace yourselves for the energies that are coming your way. I've joined the Rock Shop team and can now offer you several options to look skyward to learn more about your personal Zodiac.


$35.00 ~ Sun Moon Rising “Big 3” Chart Analysis (30 minutes)

$65.00 ~ Natal Chart Analysis (60 minutes)

$150.00 ~ Synastry Relationship Chart Analysis (parent, sibling, friend, business partner, romantic partner) (can take up to a 90-minute reading)

Any of these options can be in person or virtual.

The Rock Shop, sells healing crystals, books, aura cleansing salt soaps, aura scrubs, aromatherapy, and candles for any of your ritual needs. Contact the shop or stop in for more info. Susan is a Licensed Spiritual Healer Life Coach, Reiki Master, Certified Ho’ Oponopono Instructor, and Light Worker. She and her husband own the Nice Rock Shop at 311 Broadway Street, Paducah KY. Subscribe to her YouTube channel, Nice Rock Shop, follow her on social media, or contact her at The website is

©Copyright 2022, Susan K. Edwards

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